Date: January 2015 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External consultant - Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship of the course “Promotion and tourist reception services operator – orientation: accomodation”, Compulsory training – 3rd year, finaced by notice OF/2011 and POR PUGLIA ESF 2007-2013, Professional Education and Training – financing ranking approved by Apulia Region by D.D. n°1805 of 20/11/2012 on BURP n° 168 of 22/11/2012
Date: November 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship of the course “Specialist of processing of publishing material, conception, design and project/graphic control”, notice FG/10/2014 – Asse IV – Human Capital - approved by D.D. n°1807 of 07/07/2014 on BURP n° 91 of 10/07/2014, part con co-financed programmes of ESF and POR PUGIA ESF 2007-2013 activities assigned to the Province of Foggia – “Professional skills for strategic productivity systems in Apulia Region”, rectified by D.D. n° 2778 of 03/11/2014 with the approval ranking notice FG/0/2014 by D.D. n° 3007 of 24/11/2014 pubished on BURP n°166 of 04/12/2014 PORIV73FG1014002.02
Date: November 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: Eurambiente S.r.l. Arte del Ferro Street, Manfredonia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Training of trainers for the course “Specialist of market strategies, marketing actions planning and manager of the relationship with the clients and selling networks/ specialist os sales of agricultural and food farming products”, notice FG/10/2014 – Asse IV – Human Capital - approved by D.D. n°1807 of 07/07/2014 on BURP n° 91 of 10/07/2014, part con co-financed programmes of ESF and POR PUGIA ESF 2007-2013 activities assigned to the Province of Foggia – “Professional skills for strategic productivity systems in Apulia Region”, rectified by D.D. n° 2778 of 03/11/2014 with the approval ranking notice FG/0/2014 by D.D. n° 3007 of 24/11/2014 pubished on BURP n°166 of 04/12/2014 PORIV73FG1014149.01
Date: November 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship and Training of trainers and Member of TSC for the course “Healthcare assistant – Training courses to become a qualified HA”, Line 1 (1000 hours), financing approved by notice 5/2012 – Asse II – Employability - approved by D.D. n°1616 of 24/10/2012 on BURP n° 161 of 8/11/2012, rectified by D.D. n° 1741 of 26/11/2012 and published on BURP n° 172 of 29/11/2012 - approval ranking by D.D. n° 862 of 11/11/2013 PO0713II120953
Date: November 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant – Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship and Training of trainers and Member of TSC for the course “Healthcare assistant – Training courses to become a qualified HA”, Line 1 (1000 hours), financing approved by notice 5/2012 – Asse II – Employability - approved by D.D. n°1616 of 24/10/2012 on BURP n° 161 of 8/11/2012, rectified by D.D. n° 1741 of 26/11/2012 and published on BURP n° 172 of 29/11/2012 - approval ranking by D.D. n° 862 of 11/11/2013 PO0713II120952
Date: September 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant – Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship and Training of trainers and Member of TSC for the course “Healthcare assistant – Training courses to become a qualified HA”, Line 1 (1000 hours), financing approved by notice 5/2012 – Asse II – Employability - approved by D.D. n°1616 of 24/10/2012 on BURP n° 161 of 8/11/2012, rectified by D.D. n° 1741 of 26/11/2012 and published on BURP n° 172 of 29/11/2012 - approval ranking by D.D. n° 862 of 11/11/2013 PO0713II120951
Date: September 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant – Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship and Training of trainers activity for the course “Supervisor of coordination between organization and HR management areas in a tourist center or restaurant”, financing approved by notice FG/05/2014 – P.O. Apulia 2007-2013 – Asse II – Employability “Training courses for yourg graduates”, approved by D.D. n°174 of 17/01/2014 on BURP n° 10 of 23/01/2014, approval ranking by D.D. n° 1238 of 08/05/2014, published on BURP n° 62 of 15/05/2014 PORII66FG0514002.01
Date: July 2014 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: EURAMBIENTE S.r.l. – 2/8 Arte del Ferro Street, Manfredonia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Accredited Training Center
Type of activity: External Consultant – Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Training of trainers activity for the course “Specialist of analysis activities and environmental management systems and territory supervisor”, financing approved by notice FG/09/2014 “Training courses to support collective self-employability” Asse II – Employability - PORII69FG0914149.01
Date: January 2014 – December 2014
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant – Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Directorship of the course Compulsory Training - 2nd year of “Promotion and tourist reception services operator – orientation: accomodation”, financing approved by notice OF/2011 activity of POR PUGLIA ESF 2007-2013 Educational Programmes of Education and Vocational Training, funded by Apulia Region – approval ranking by D.D. n°1085 of 20/11/2012 and published on BURP n°168 of 22/11/20132
Date: July 2013 – December 2014
Name and address of the employer: INFORP – Innovation and Professional Education 2 Arte del Ferro Street, Manfredonia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Accredited Training body
Type of activity: External Consultant – Professional service
Main activities and responsibilities: Training of trainers activities and final publications for the course “Home carer”, financing approved by notice FG/12/2012 – “Personalized Projects for orientation, training and accompaniment for women living in social disadvantaged conditions” –Asse II Employability – activity of POR PUGLIA ESF 2007-2013 assigned to Province of Foggia – approval ranking by D.D. n°989 of 15/04/2013 and published on BURP n°57 of 24/04/2013 - PORII69FG121200101
Date: January 2013 – December 2014
Name and address of the employer: INFORP – Innovation and Professional Education 2 Arte del Ferro Street, Manfredonia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Accredited Training body
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Training of trainers activities and final publications for the course “Craftsman of window and door fixtures”, financing approved by notice FG/02/2012 – “Training courses for handicraft” –Asse II Employability – activity of POR PUGLIA ESF 2007-2013 assigned to Province of Foggia – approval ranking by D.D. n°22 of 09/01/2013 and published on BURP n°9 of 17/01/2013 - PORII66FG021200101
Date: May 2013 – June 2014
Name and address of the employer: Social Cooperative “Social Service”- Registered Office in XXV Luglio Street, 3- Orta Nova (Foggia - Italy); Operating Centre in Largo Mezzana Street- Orta Nova (Foggia - Italy).
Type of business or sector: Social Cooperative
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Organisational Coordination- original title of the project: “Riprendere… in giro- essere il cinema, vivere il territorio. Viaggio tra set cinematografici, laboratori di recitazione e location geografiche per sperimentare nuove forme di integrazione” ("Film ... out and about - to be the film, to experience the territory. Travel between film sets, acting workshops and geographical location to experiment with new forms of integration”), granted by the Ministry for Equal Opportunities in Italy (publication of the evaluation: 20/12/2012) for promoting equal opportunities in the fields of art, culture and recreation among people with disabilities - published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Italian Government Publication) n.106 of 09/09/2011.
Date: April 2013- onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Training Management of “Cameriera ai piani” (Chambermaid) Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/12/2012 - Employability - “Individual Orientation Projects, training and support for an active life of women in social exclusion” –activity: POR PUGLIA FSE 2007-2013 funded by The Province of Foggia – Approved List D.D. n. 898 of 15/04/2013, published in BURP n. 57 of 24/04/2013– PORII69FG121200201.
Date: January 2013- onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Training Management of “Falegname di bottega 2.0” (Carpenter in environment 2.0) Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/02/2012 - “Training for Handcrafts“ - Employability - POR PUGLIA FSE 2007-2013 activity, funded by The Province of Foggia – Approved List D.D. n. 22 of 09/01/2013, published in BURP n. 9 of 17/01/2013 – PORII66FG021200201.
Date: January 2013 – onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Training Management – OF “Obbligo Formativo” (Compulsory Education) “Operatore ai servizi di promozione e accoglienza turistica-indirizzo: strutture ricettive” (Operator for hosting and promoting services in tourism management: accommodation) (duration n. 3200 hrs), Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call OF/2011, POR Apulia FSE 2007-2013 – Training Offer for Vocational Education and Training, funded by the Apulia Region- Approved List Det. Dir. n. 1805 of 20/11/2012 - BURP n. 168. of 22/11/2012.
Date: December 2012- onwards
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Training Management of IFTS “Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore” (Educational and Vocational Training at higher qualification levels) “Analisi e strategie per la progettazione di percorsi turistici integrati nella provincia di Foggia” (Analysis and Strategies in designing integrated tourism itineraries in the Province of Foggia – Italy), (duration 1.000 hrs), Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/01/2012 by The Province of Foggia –, POR Apulia FSE 2007-2013 – Human Resources”- Approved List Det. Dir. n. 2141 of 28/06/2012 - BURP n. 98. of 05/07/2012.
Date: March 2012 – November 2012
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: Project Manager
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination, Training Management and Teachers Training (for n. 8 hrs), within 4 sessions Seminars “Alternanza scuola-lavoro: laboratorio di competenze e competitività“ (Work-related learning: experimental lab for knowledge and competences) - POR Apulia 2007-2013 – Human Resources “Actions for teachers on how to update competences in designing apprenticeship and projects”- under the Public Call FG/12/2011 by The Province of Foggia –, for the eligibility of the project (n. 4 sessions/seminars with n. 72 candidates) approved by Det. Dir. n. 3812 of 23/12/2011 (BURP n. 13 suppl. 1 of 26/01/2012) - PORIV73FG12110201.
Date: March 2012 – October 2012
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: Project Manager
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination, Training Management and Trainers Training (for n. 18 hrs), within the Training Course “Assistente domiciliare” (Home care Assistant) (duration n. 600 hrs)– POR Apulia 2007-2013- Employability - “Actions for the qualification, the promotion and the facilitation of the unemployed people’s entry into the world of work” Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/06/2011 by The Province of Foggia –, approved by Det. Dir. n. 2088 of 18/07/2011 (BURP n. 119 of 28/07/2011) – approved list Det. Dir. n. 3797 of 22/12/2011 (BURP n. 13 suppl. 1 of 26/01/2012) – PORII66FG06110201.
Date: March 2012 – December 2012
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Implementation Monitoring and Publication for the Dissemination of Results, Teachers Training (for n. 8 hrs), within the Training Course “Cameriere” (Waiter), (duration n. 800 hrs) - Code PORIV73FG603110101 Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/03/2011 by the Province of Foggia – Approved List Det. Dir. n. 3788 of 22/12/2011- BURP n. 13 suppl. of 26/01/2012.
Date: March 2012 – October 2012
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Implementation Monitoring and Publication for the Dissemination of Results, Teachers Training (for n. 18 hrs), within the Training Course of “Addetto alla manutenzione (in strutture turistiche e residenziali)” (Maintenance worker - hotel and accommodation), (duration n. 600 hrs) - Code PORII67FG04110101, Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/04/2011 by the Province of Foggia – Approved List Det. Dir. n. 3789 of 22/12/2011- BURP n. 13 suppl. of 26/01/2012.
Date: July 2011 - March 2012
Name and address of the employer: Con-form Foggia- Registered Office in Manfredi Street, 16- Foggia (Italy); Operating Centre in Gramsci Street, 101/A- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination and Teachers Training within “Addetto alla segreteria informatizzata” (Secretary with ITC competences) PO0713SOMM0710.66- Public Call n. 4/2010 approved by Det. Dir. n. 344 of 24/05/2010 (published in BURP n. 94 of 27/05/2010), submitted under PO Apulia FSE 2007-2013 - Ob.1 Convergence - Employability – expenditure cat. 67, of “Professional training for temporary workers” projects – approved by Det. Dir. n. 59 of 10/02/2011 (published in BURP n. 26 of 17/02/2011).
Date: April 2011– May 2011
Name and address of the employer: Con-form Foggia- Registered Office in Manfredi Street, 16- Foggia (Italy); Operating Centre in Gramsci Street, 101/A- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination – for the Acknowledged training course by The Province of Foggia under Det. Dir. n. 162 of 18/01/2011- “Somministrazione al pubblico di alimenti e bevande” (Public supplying of food and beverages)– Code 2201.
Date: March 2011 - May 2012
Name and address of the employer: Social Cooperative “Professional Service”- Carapelle (Foggia - Italy)
Type of business or sector: Social Cooperative
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Organizational Coordination and Implementation Monitoring within the Project “I sapori reali dei nostri siti: dal web alla tavola” (Royal Flavors of our Sites: from the web to the table) – project eligible under the Public Call “Action for family association- 2009”. Action Line III - Information Technology for social inclusion- Approved List Equal Opportunities Policy Service N. 173 of 10th March 2011 published in BURP n. 40 of 16/03/2011.
Date: January 2011- July 2011
Name and address of the employer: Con-form Foggia- Registered Office in Manfredi Street, 16- Foggia (Italy); Operating Centre in Gramsci Street, 101/A- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designer of n. 2 self-financed Training Courses (duration n. 90 hrs for each session) “Addetto ai servizi di controllo delle attività di intrattenimento e di spettacolo in luoghi aperti al pubblico o in pubblici esercizi” (Services operator for the security of the entertainment show activities in public places) – according to the art.1 comma 1 D.M. of 6th of October 2009 – Acknowledged by Det. n. 604 of 23/03/2011 and Authorized by the Apulia Region – Det. n. 757 of 11 of April 2011- 2nd session.
Date: January 2011 – March 2012
Name and address of the employer: Con-form Foggia- Registered Office in Manfredi Street, 16- Foggia (Italy); Operating Centre in Gramsci Street, 101/A- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Teachers Training (for n. 36 hrs),within the Training Course “Impiantista Termoidraulico” (Plumbing and heating systems worker), (duration n.1200 hrs)- Code PORIV73FG09103901 – Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/09/2010 by the Province of Foggia – Approved List Det. Dir. n. 4097 of 22/12/2010- BURP n. 194 of 30/12/2010.
Date: January 2011 – July 2011
Name and address of the employer: Con-form Foggia- Registered Office in Manfredi Street, 16- Foggia (Italy); Operating Centre in Gramsci Street, 101/A- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Teachers Training within “Creazione d’impresa nella gestione di rifiuti speciali pericolosi ed inerti” (Start up business for managing garbage disposal), (duration n. 400 hrs)- Code PORII66FG08103901 - Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/08/2010 by the Province of Foggia – Approved List Det. Dir. n. 4096 of 22/12/2010- BURP n. 194 of 30/12/2010.
Date: January 2011 – July 2011
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Teachers Training within “Creazione d’impresa nei servizi di assistenza ai malati di Alzheimer” (Start up business about caring services for people with Alzheimer’s disease), (duration n. 400 hrs) - Code PORII66FG08100101 - Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/08/2010 by the Province of Foggia - Approved List Det. Dir. n. 4096 of 22/12/2010- BURP n. 194 of 30/12/2010.
Date: January 2011 – September 2011
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Teachers Training within the Training Course “Cameriera ai Piani” (Chambermaid), (duration n. 600 hrs)- Code PORII69FG6100101 Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/06/2010 by the Province of Foggia - Approved List Det. Dir. n. 4094 of 22/12/2010- BURP n. 194 of 30/12/2010.
Date: January 2011 – October 2011
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Teachers Training within the Training Course “Assistente familiare” (Home care assistant) - Code PORII69FG6100201 Training Course (duration n. 600 hrs) eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/06/2010 - POR Apulia FSE 2007- 2013 activity funded by The Province of Foggia – Approved List Det. Dir. n. 4094 of 22/12/2010- BURP n. 194 of 30/12/2010.
Date: January 2011 – October 2011
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination and Teachers Training within the Training Course “Commis di sala” (Restaurant Commis) Training Course, (duration n. 600 hrs) - Code PORII67FG1100201 Training Course eligible for funding under the Public Call FG/01/2010 of Province of Foggia - Approved List Det. Dir. n. 4088 of 22/12/2010- BURP n. 194 of 30/12/2010.
Date: December 2010
Name and address of the employer: Con-form Foggia- Registered Office in Manfredi Street, 16- Foggia (Italy); Operating Centre in Gramsci Street, 101/A- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Expert
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination within the Training Course “Corso di preparazione all’esame per la Patente Europea del Computer - Codice CATCR 1” (Training Course for the Preparation of the ECDL Exam – CATCR 1 – Code), (duration n. 60 hrs)- Basic and Crosscutting Competences – Public Call n. 2/2010 - P.O. Apulia 2007 – 2013 - FSE – 2007IT051PO005- Approved by C(2007)5767 of 21/11/2007 – Employability - Welfare to Work Programme “System Action for job replacement policies”- Educational intervention aimed at social welfare beneficiaries, in derogation - Det. Dir. n. 71 of 18/02/2010 (BURP n. 37 of 25/02/2010) Employability - eligible applications list released on 12/03/2010 (BURP n. 82 of 06/05/2010).
Date: December 2010
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Expert
Main activities and responsibilities: Organizational Coordination within the Training Course “Corso di preparazione all’esame per la Patente Europea del Computer - Codice CATCR 1” (Training Course for the Preparation of the ECDL Exam – CATCR 1 – Code), (duration n. 60 hrs)- session 2 - Basic and Crosscutting Competences – Public Call n. 2/2010 - P.O. Apulia 2007 – 2013 - FSE – 2007IT051PO005- Approved by C(2007)5767 of 21/11/2007 – Employability - Welfare to Work Programme “System Action for job replacement policies”- Educational intervention aimed at social welfare beneficiaries, in derogation - Det. Dir. n. 71 of 18/02/2010 (BURP n. 37 of 25/02/2010) approved on 12/03/2010 (BURP n. 82 of 06/05/2010).
Date: May 2010 – December 2010
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination within the Specialization Course “Assistente domiciliare per anziani” (Home care Assistant for elderly), Cod.POR0713OC09OV50-115- Training Course eligible for funding (1st classified) under the Public Call n. 15/2009 by the Apulia Region - Courses of specialization reserved for over-fifty years unemployed people – Approved List Det. Dir. n. 308 of 29/04/2010- BURP n. 82 of 06/05/2010.
Date: January 2010 – July 2010
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination within the Training Course “Assistente Familiare” (Home-care Assistant) Code PORIIFG6090101- eligible for funding under the Public Call n. FG/06/2009 by the Province of Foggia- “Training actions to promote immigrant’s social integration and employment” - Det. Dir. n. 4126 of 15/12/2009 - BURP n. 207 of 24/12/2009.
Date: October 2009 – December 2010
Name and address of the employer: INFORP- Innovation and Vocational Training in Arte del Ferro Street, 2- Manfredonia (Foggia – Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination within the Training Course “Operatore linee di produzione alimentari” (Operator for food production lines) - eligible for funding under the Public Call n. n. FG/01/2009 by the Province of Foggia, approved by Det. Dir. n. 3475 of 21/10/2009- BURP n. 170 of 29/10/2009.
Date: July 2009- onwards
Name and address of the employer: Association Aretè Formazione ONLUS – Zuretti Street, n. 11/c – 71100 Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: No-Profit Association
Type of activity: Social Charge
Main activities and responsibilities: President
Date: July 2009- onwards
Name and address of the employer: UNIFORMA – Matteotti Street, n. 9 – Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: NO PROFIT Association – adherent to “CORITECNA” Consorzio per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo Tecnologico (Research and Technological Development Consorzium)
Type of activity: Social Charge
Main activities and responsibilities: Director
Date: July 2009 – March 2010
Name and address of the employer: ITG MASI – Strampelli Street, n° 2 Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination within the Training Course “Web visual graphic designer” Measure 3.4 action a) approved by the Apulia Region - Det. Dir. 964 of 22/06/2009 - and funded by ESF.
Date: April 2008- October 2009
Name and address of the employer: Aretè Group s.r.l.- G. Matteotti Street, 9 - 71100 Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Services and Counselling – Training
Type of activity: Manager
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination for training and professional needs analysis, project designing, carrying out, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of the training processes (courses and events), within financed and self-financed activities.
Date: March- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordinator within the Training Course “Esperto per la progettazione di impianti di energia alternativa” (Expert in the designing of alternative energy systems), duration n.75 hrs for people with disabilities - measure 5.3 action b)- financed by ESF.
Date: February - May 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination, within n. 3 Courses – duration n. 180 hrs for n. 60 Executives of ASL Foggia - San Severo- Cerignola (Italy), within POR Apulia 2000-2006 Axe III Human Resources, Measure 4.20 action a) Code POR 060420aPIT0007-“La Programmazione Negoziata per Lo Sviluppo” (The negotiated planning for the development of PA) – financed by ESF.
Date: January - April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 400 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 48 hrs) for the 3rd year, within the Training Courses “Tecnico del turismo integrato” (Integrated tourism technician) code POR 04032aOBF0043 and “Promoter turistico” (Tourism promoter) code POR 04032aOBF0042, - Measure 3.2 action a) – financed by ESF.
Date: November 2007- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination (n. 400 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 10 hrs) within the Training Course “Specialista in Commercio Estero agroalimentare” (Expert in agri-food Foreign Trade) Training Course - code POR 060420b0075 - for graduate people - Measure 4.20 action b) – financed by ESF.
Date: October 2007- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination (n. 300 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 10 hrs) within the Training Course “E-gastronomy” code POR 060314b0038- for unemployed women, Measure 3.14 action b) – financed by ESF.
Date: October 2007- March 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination (400 hrs) and Teachers Training (8 hrs) within the Training Course “Operatore Socio-Sanitario” (Health-care Worker) (code POR 07032aOSS132)- Measure 3.2 action a) – financed by ESF
Date: September 2007- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training and Upper Secondary School Istituto Professionale “A. Marrone” of Lucera (Foggia - Italy) in partnership
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region- Education Institute
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 80 hrs) within the post-qualification courses, such as “La Qualità nella Produzione del prodotto turistico” (Quality of the tourism product in the production phase) and “Tecnico esperto in paghe e contributi” (Technical expert in wages and contributions) – Measure 3.7 action a)- Financed by ESF.
Date: March 2007- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing,Teaching Coordination (n. 300 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 20 hrs) within the Training Course “Addetto alla organizzazione e conduzione dei servizi di cucina” (Organization and kitchen facilities carry out worker) (code POR 06034aMR0009), for minor, former convicted people - Measure 3.4 action a) – Financed by ESF.
Date: January - December 2007
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 400 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 48 hrs) for the 2nd year, within the Training Courses “Tecnico del turismo integrato” (Integrated tourism technician) code POR 04032aOBF0043 and “Promoter turistico” (Tourism promoter) code POR 04032aOBF0042, - Measure 3.2 action a) – financed by ESF.
Date: January 2007- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 200 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 18 hrs) within the Training Course “Operatore ai servizi di cucina” (Kitchen services operator) Training Course, (code POR 06034b0004), for people with disabilities Measure 3.4 action b) – Financed by ESF.
Date: November 2006 - May 2007
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training and Upper Secondary School Istituto Professionale “A. Marrone” of Lucera (Foggia - Italy) in partnership
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region – Education Institute
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 60 hrs) within “Orient@ il tuo futuro” (Guide your Future) Training Course (code POR 06036a0043)- for youth at drop-out risk, Measure 3.6 action a)- Financed by ESF.
Date: October 2006- March 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination of the Operating Centre, in order to enhance the operating activities and the optimization of human, technological and financial resources, as part of the ESF-funded courses, according to the standards of quality procedures recognized by the certification organism RINA UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 –VISION.
Date: September 2006- June 2007
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 200 hrs) within the Training Course “Esperto per la gestione delle strutture turistiche” (Expert for touristic structures management) 3rd year - code POR 03071 – Experimental Training Program for professional Education and Training – Financed by ESF.
Date: September 2006- June 2007
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training and Upper Secondary School Istituto Professionale “A. Marrone” of Lucera (Foggia - Italy) in partnership
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region- Education Institute
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 100 hrs) within post-qualification Courses, such as: “Tecnico di Front-Office”, (Front Office Operator) “La Qualità nella Produzione del prodotto turistico” (Quality of the tourism product in the production phase), “Gestione aziendale informatizzata” (Business management with ITC competences) and “Tecnico esperto in paghe e contributi” (Technical expert in wages and contributions) – Measure 3.7 action a)- Financed by ESF.
Date: May 2006- May 2007
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 80 hrs) within “Incaricato nel settore Acconciatore” (Hairstylist) Training Course, (APP 040169- apprenticeship) - Financed by ESF.
Date: January 2006- October 2006
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 400 hrs) within the Training Courses: “Operatore su macchine utensili” (Tools Machines Operator) code POR 04033a0118- and “Stampatore alla rotativa” (Press Print Worker), code POR 04033a0117, for long-term unemployed people - Measure 3.3 action a) – Financed by ESF.
Date: December 2005- September 2006
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 350 hrs) within the Training Courses: “Freenet director” (code POR 04034aSVR0030) and “Esperto di marketing online” (Online marketing expert), (code POR 04034aSVR0031), for people with disabilities - Measure 3.4 action a) – Financed by ESF.
Date: December 2005- December 2006
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing, Teaching Coordination (n. 400 hrs) and Teachers Training (n. 24 hrs), for the 1st year within the following Training Courses: “Tecnico del turismo integrato” (Integrated tourism technician), (code POR 04032aOBF0043) and “Promoter Turistico” (Tourism promoter), (code POR 04032aOBF0042), in compulsory education- Measure 3.2 action a) – Financed by ESF.
Date: October 2005- November 2006
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 180 hrs) within the Training Course “Animatore di comunità” (Community Facilitator) Training Course, (POR04034aIMM0007) for immigrants, Measure 3.4 action a)- Financed by ESF.
Date: September 2005- June 2006
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 200 hrs) within “Esperto per la gestione delle strutture turistiche” (Expert in touristic structures management) 2nd year - code POR 03071 – Experimental training Program for professional Education and Training – Financed by ESF.
Date: October 2004- February 2006
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Coordination (n. 350 hrs) within external compulsory training for apprenticeship, financed by FSE – for the following qualifications “Incaricato nel settore Alimentare” (Worker in food service) (Code APP 020312, “Incaricato nel settore Commercio e nelle aziende del terziario” (Worker in trade and services sector) Code APP 020291, “Incaricato nel settore Metalmeccanico e dell’installazione d’impianti” (Worker in engeneering and installation) Code APP 020296, “Incaricato nel settore Tessile – abbigliamento e calzaturiero” (Worker in textile industry – clothing and footwear) Code APP 020300 and “Incaricato nel settore Acconciature” (Hairstylist) Code APP 020341.
Date: June 2004- June 2005
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 200 hrs) within “Esperto per la gestione delle strutture turistiche” (Expert in touristic structures management) training course, 1st year- code POR 03071 - Experimental training Program for professional Education and Training – Financed by FSE.
Date: May 2004- April 2008
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project designing, training initiatives and teaching coordination, within FSE financed courses according to the standards of quality procedures, recognized by the certification organism RINA UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000– VISION – Project Design about 30 courses, funded by the Apulia Region.
Date: February - April 2004
Name and address of the employer: Upper Secondary School Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “P. Giannone”- Foggia (Italy) Headteacher: Prof. A. Palomba
Type of business or sector: Education Institute
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation of the Training Pathway within the training course “Donne e imprese di turismo sociale” (Women – Social tourism entrepreneurship) - PON School 2000-2006 Measure 7 action 7.3- “Guidance actions for studying and for promoting the reintegration of women into the labor market”.
Date: September 2003 - January 2004
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 400 hrs) within n. 7 training courses – (each of them of n.300 hrs duration) for “Business Consultant”, “Assistente per anziani e disabili” (Elderly and people with disabilities Assistant), “Operatrici per ludoteche” (Playrooms operators), “Puericultrici per asili nido” (Childcare nurses), “Creazione e gestione d’impresa” (Enterprise creation and management), “Bed and Breakfast” and “Film Manager”- financed by ESF Measure 3.14 action b).
Date: October 2002 - October 2003
Name and address of the employer: C.N.I.P.A. Puglia - National Consortium for Handmade and Vocational Training- Registered Office in Corso Italia, 19/C- Bari (Italy)/ Operating Centre in S. Alfonso dè Liguori Street, n. 79- Foggia (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Vocational and Educational Training Center- Accredited by the Apulia Region
Type of activity: External Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Project Designing and Teaching Coordination (n. 600 hrs) within n. 2 training courses – each of them with n. 1.000 hrs duration- for “Addetto alla costruzione di carpenteria metallica leggera” (Light metal manufacturing worker), “Addetto alla produzione di sedie, tavoli e complementi d’arredo in legno” (Worker involved in the production of chairs, tables and wooden furniture) – financed by ESF Measure 3.3 action b).